
Transformation in an ever-changing world

Our report digs into the issues to shed light on how transformation is shaping businesses in an ever-changing world.
Group of business professionals sat around a board room looking at some data on the main screen.

Transformation in an ever-changing world

Transformation is big business right now, and companies are keen to seize the moment and embrace change to improve, expand, stay competitive and future-proof themselves.

To provide insight and guidance at this pivotal moment, we reached out to our network and spoke with 200 C-suite individuals and major transformation and strategy players working across the UK business landscape. The companies they work for range from outfits with less than 500 employees, to enterprises employing more than 10,000 with a turnover of over £10 billion. We also tapped our internal transformation and leadership team to get their observations and advice on our findings.

Front cover of BIE's transformation report.

Download the report

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