
Integrating and Driving the ESG Agenda

ESG is a multifaceted area, and one which is getting increasing traction across the business sphere. ESG experts share their first-hand experiences in our new report.
A car manufacturing production line, with robotic arms working on the outer shell of a silver car.

Integrating and Driving the ESG Agenda

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives have the potential to yield significant opportunities for companies; indeed, ESG-focused initiatives are likely to become one of the biggest drivers of organisational transformation. However, there are also risks, particularly in light of increased regulation.

It’s understandable, therefore, that questions of how to drive and implement successful ESG strategies have become more frequent across our network.

To provide insights and guidance, our Value Chain and Procurement practice surveyed 90 procurement and finance leaders, and hosted a panel discussion with experienced industry experts. In our new report, we share their first-hand experiences and advice on ESG in today’s market. 

Front cover of BIE's ESG report.

Download the report

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