Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Modern Slavery can take many forms, including the trafficking of people, forced labour, servitude, and slavery. BIE Executive are committed to ensuring that throughout our supply chain, including our own staff, our suppliers, and the candidates who work with us and our clients, no person is subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to Modern Slavery, or similar human rights abuses.

Whilst we remain committed to this responsibility, we acknowledge that for our business this is a low-risk area as the level at which we operate by nature means that we engage with independent senior candidates in professional roles.

This policy sets out our approach to the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking within our own supply chain.

  • BIE expects that its suppliers will conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in all aspects of their relationship with BIE, and in particular with respect to the eradication of Modern Slavery. BIE will always pay a fair price to its suppliers. BIE has a minimal risk, flat supply chain which does not source cheap goods/products in order to supply its own services.

  • BIE regularly monitors the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains. Our review and assessment of our supply chain has led us to conclude that it would appear to be free from the risk of Modern Slavery. We will review at least annually.

  • BIE also monitors its effectiveness at ensuring there is no slavery in our supply chain using appropriate measures. BIE has no internal KPIs which are incompatible with tackling modern slavery in the supply chain, for example time and cost pressured sourcing of goods.

  • We will collaborate with new and existing clients and suppliers via provision of information as needed to improve transparency throughout the supply chain.

  • Should BIE discover that a supplier has been involved in modern slavery, the incident would be investigated and if a suitable improvement/remedy not found, the relationship with that supplier would be terminated immediately and an alternative sought.

  • When engaging with new suppliers, and renewing contracts with existing suppliers, BIE will incorporate a contractual requirement into its standard terms for adherence to the legislation on modern slavery.

  • To maintain awareness and ensure an elevated level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business our Modern Slavery Policy is included in the company policy area of our intranet. We provide appropriate training to all members of staff, and this has been incorporated into our induction programme.

  • We encourage anyone who suspects an incidence of modern slavery anywhere in our supply chain and beyond to report it to the national helpline in the first instance and within BIE as appropriate.

  • We encourage our people to tell us if there is anything else we could be doing to support the eradication of modern slavery.

  • There is overlap between this Modern Slavery Policy and our Anti Bribery Policy, and our Health and Safety Policy.


Right to work checks are conducted prior to joining, and we check with all new recruits that they have not been required to pay any fees to gain work with us and inform them of the procedures that should be followed should they wish to leave our employment. In addition, we check that their passports have not been withheld and that they have not been required to sign any agreements with any third parties in respect of our offer of employment.

Agency workers

We only use agency workers sparingly, for temporary placements and holiday/sickness cover.
We will ensure that any recruitment agencies we use have strict compliance to the Modern Slavery Act and require written confirmation from them that no agency worker is being exploited as part of any slavery or human trafficking. Recruitment agencies used will all be on our Preferred Supplier Listing.

This policy was reviewed and agreed by the board and will be reviewed annually.

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